Join us for a LIVE speaker seminar followed by Q&A

Next presentation will be May 30, 2024 - 1:00 PM EDT

Utilizing alcohol biomarkers and cognitive measures to assess drinking behavior and treatment efficacy in individuals with alcohol use disorder

Julianne Jett, PhD

Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane 

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a heterogeneous and relapsing illness. Though treatment options for AUD are available, relapse rates remain high (~80%). Poor treatment outcomes highlight the need to investigate what mechanisms increase risk of harmful alcohol use and relapse. I will discuss two methods that have the potential to predict treatment response, as well as identify targets for improved treatment outcomes. One approach is the use of biomarkers to objectively assess alcohol use prior and during AUD treatment. For instance, using the urine alcohol biomarker ethyl glucuronide (uEtG), we found that pre-treatment levels indicative of daily heavy drinking (uEtG > 500 ng/mL) predicts non-response to a contingency management intervention for AUD. Another approach utilizes the Addiction Neuroclinical Assessment (ANA) framework, which consists of three neuroscience-based domains associated with the addiction cycle (incentive salience, negative emotionality, executive dysfunction). Applying this framework, we found that 41% of individuals with AUD exhibit clinically significant cognitive impairment at treatment entry, thus incorporating cognitive rehabilitation approaches may improve treatment response for this population. Collectively, our studies suggest that assessment of alcohol biomarkers and ANA variables may identify individual differences that can inform and direct care.   

Registration is FREE and you do not need to be a member!


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The International Behavioral Neuroscience Society is proud to announce the next installment of our virtual, global seminar series for early career researchers, “IBNS (is) Staying Connected.”


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We will feature one speaker who is either a late-stage PhD student or a postdoctoral researcher.  Speakers must be IBNS members. The speaker will have 30 minutes to present their research, followed by 5 minutes of introspection about their own methods, data, and future directions, and finish off with a 10-15 minute Q&A.  This will provide the selected ECR with a unique opportunity to engage with the IBNS membership. If you’re interested in being a speaker, please submit a 200-word abstract of your research and a 150-word diversity statement. Complete your application here or by clicking the button below.

Your abstract should clearly articulate your research question and approach, the interpretation of your findings and their implications, the innovativeness and impact of these findings, and should incorporate behavior.  

For the diversity statement, you should describe ways in which you have made efforts or plan to make future efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, with regards to culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental difference, politics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and/or subculture, as described in the IBNS Diversity Statement.  A statement evaluated as Outstanding would include specific examples (e.g. partnering organizations, collaborators, and/or applicant led-initiatives/programs) of things that have been done or being planned, as well as a clear explanation how these examples promote diversity and inclusion within the field of behavioral neuroscience.   Your diversity statement will remain private among the few members reviewing the applications. Nothing in the diversity statement will be made public.


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