Revised July 2020



SECTION 1. The International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (henceforth known as the Society) shall be an international not for profit, incorporated collegial association of scientists, clinicians, teachers, and therapists with background and/or interest in the field of behavioral neuroscience. The Society was originally based at the Division of Life Sciences, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas. Additional offices may be added as necessary (i.e., European office). The powers of the members and all matters concerning the conduct and regulation of the affairs of the Society shall be subject to the provisions set forth by these Bylaws.

SECTION 2. The Council (Article III) may adopt a seal and/or logo for the Society in such forms as it deems appropriate.



SECTION 1. The Society shall promote and encourage education and research with respect to Behavioral Neuroscience.

SECTION 2. The Society shall collaborate with existing public and private organizations to promote and encourage education and research in Behavioral Neuroscience and will participate and assist in the coordination of efforts or formulation of research and clinical programs.

SECTION 3. The Society will receive, use, hold and apply funds, gifts, bequests and endowments or the proceeds thereof to any of the purposes described herein.

SECTION 4. Upon the dissolution of the Society, the Council shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Society, dispose of all of the assets of the Society exclusively for the purpose of the Society in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section (501) (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as the Council shall determine.



SECTION 1. The Society shall be coordinated by a Council that shall serve to define and carry out the mission of the Society. The duties of the Council will include: determine policy; recommend Bylaw changes to the membership; disseminate information; recruit members and participants; promote Behavioral Neuroscience research. In the event that any ballot of the membership results in a tie vote, Council will have the authority to break the tie by vote. Given that a quorum is present, a simple majority vote of Council is necessary for any measure to pass.

SECTION 2. The Council of the Society shall consist of four Officers: President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer and Records Councilor; and  Regular Members of the Council: Africa, Asia, Australasia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America. In addition, 2 representatives of the Student/PostDoc members shall be elected to the Council (Council Representative for Trainees). The Council Representatives for Trainees will serve two-year terms. One Council Representative for Trainees will be elected each year, serving the first year as Council Representative for Trainees – Elect. Only the current Trainee Representative has voting privileges although both will be invited to attend Council meetings (at the IBNS and SfN meetings) during their term of office. Individuals may be nominated by an IBNS member or self-nominated and approved by the Nominations Committee. For a student or PostDoc to become the Council Representative for Trainees, they must have attended at least one meeting prior to taking office

SECTION 3. All Councilors shall be elected via ballots. Normally, these ballots should be distributed to the membership no later than 6 weeks prior to the annual meeting. The maximum number of votes obtained by candidates nominated will constitute election to the position of Councilor. In the event of a tie vote, the Nominations and Awards Committee in consultation with the President will convene, discuss, and settle the tie. Council members shall serve without compensation, except for the Council Representatives for Trainees who will receive travel funding and waived registration fees to attend and will perform such duties as the Council requires.

SECTION 4. The officers of the Society shall hold the same office within the Council and shall have been elected to office as described in Article V, of these Bylaws.

SECTION 5. Councilors must be active members in good standing (requirement defined as having been a member of the Society for at least one year and having attended at least one IBNS meeting) at the time of their nomination, election and during their term of office.

SECTION 6. Councilors, other than the initial councilors, shall each serve a three year term beginning at the close of the annual meeting in which their election was announced. Among the councilors elected at the formative meeting of the Society, three will be randomly selected for a three year term, three for a two year term, and the remaining for a one year term, with the constraint that the two councilors representing Eurasia as well as the three representing the U.S. be assigned different terms. This initial process will establish staggered terms for the Councilors, such that three Councilors, each representing a different geographical location, shall be elected annually.

SECTION 7. Councilors may succeed themselves without interruption.

SECTION 8. Vacancies in the Council that may occur for any reason shall be filled by a successor appointed by a majority of the Council. Such an appointee shall serve until the next regular election by the Membership when a successor shall be elected to fill such office for any remaining term which may exist.

SECTION 9. Special meetings of the Council may be held at any time or place upon the call of the President or of any three Council members. Regular meetings shall be held annually immediately preceding the meeting of the Society. Written notice of meeting must be duly conveyed to each Councilor not less than seven days before such meetings. Meetings may be held at anytime and place without notice if all Councilors are present or if those not present shall, in writing, before or after the meeting waive notice thereof.

SECTION 10. A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

SECTION 11. An action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Council or of any committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if a majority of the members of the Council or committee consent thereto in writing or by conference telephone call confirmed by written minutes submitted to the Society's Secretary (Records Councilor) following written notice of the proposed action to all members of the Council or committee. All written consents and any dissenting views shall be filed with the minutes of the Council or committee as the case may be.



SECTION 1. The founding Membership of the Society shall consist of those individuals who registered for the first meeting and/or submitted their curriculum vitae for consideration. All those individuals who participated and attended the meeting and those who submitted curriculum vitae but were unable to attend will become members officially after they receive an invoice and pay the annual dues. Their continued membership will not require evaluation by the Membership Committee unless their membership has been terminated as described in Section 8 of Article IV. All future members must be elected to membership as prescribed below.

SECTION 2. There shall be seven categories of membership: Fellows, Regular Members, Postdoctoral Members, Student Members, Affiliate Members, Sustaining Members, and Emeritus Members.

SECTION 3. Fellows of IBNS are individuals who have made substantial contributions to the Society and to the field of behavioral neuroscience. Initially, Charter Fellows shall be recommended by an Ad hoc committee from those applicants who have made substantial contributions to the field of behavioral neuroscience. Thereafter, all existing Fellows in the Society will be invited annually to nominate IBNS members for consideration as Fellows of the Society. Any Fellow can activate the nomination process for a prospective candidate by sending a nomination letter to the Nominations and Awards Committee. The Committee will then contact the Fellow nominee to inform him/her of the nomination and to request a curriculum vita. From these materials (nomination letter and curriculum vita for each candidate) the Nominations and  Awards Committee will review and recommend candidates for Fellow status to Council for final approval and election. The Committee can request more letters at their discretion.

SECTION 4. Regular Members shall be scientists, clinicians, and therapists who are actively engaged in research or practice of Behavioral Neuroscience. The applicant should have publications considered significant to their specialty in refereed journals in the field of Behavioral Neuroscience.

SECTION 5. Regular members shall be eligible to hold office in the Society and may vote for election of officers and on all matters brought before the general membership.

SECTION 6. Regular membership shall be gained by submission of a membership application and approved by the Membership Committee and Council.

SECTION 7. Postdoctoral members shall be scientists who have recently received their Ph.D. (or equivalent) and are undergoing training in research.  Usually, postdoctoral trainees are within 6 years of receiving their Ph.D., are supported by scholarships/fellowships that can last from 1 to 3 years, and are not eligible for tenure.  Research assistants or research associates who are considered members of a laboratory/department/institution and are paid as hired employees are not considered postdoctoral trainees.

SECTION 8. Student members shall be persons enrolled full time in a college or university program at the graduate or undergraduate level. Applicants for Student membership must be approved by the Membership Committee and Council. Student members shall be voting members of the Society but may not stand for office in the Society except for Council Representative for Trainees (not available for undergraduate members). Student members will be required to verify their student status annually if requested by the Membership Committee.

SECTION 9. All individuals interested in the Society's objectives but who do not meet the requirements for another membership category may apply for Affiliate membership. Affiliate members shall be non-voting members of the Society, and may not stand for office in the Society. Applicants for Affiliate membership must submit a membership application, be sponsored by two Regular members of the Society, and be approved by the Membership Committee and Council.

SECTION 10. Individuals and organizations that support the Society's objectives shall be eligible for consideration as Sustaining Members. Such organizations may be invited on an annual basis, by vote of the Finance Committee and with approval of the President, to become Sustaining members of the Society. Sustaining members shall not vote and are ineligible to stand for office. A list of Sustaining members of the Society shall be published yearly.

SECTION 11. Regular Founding Members, Fellows, or Regular Members in good standing for five years prior to retirement are eligible for Emeritus membership after they officially retire from their profession. Dues will be waived for those who qualify for this membership category.

SECTION 12. Membership applications shall be reviewed by a standing committee as described in Article VI, and approved by the Council before being submitted to the general membership.

SECTION 13. Any membership can be terminated by the Council for conduct which in the sole judgment of the Council is injurious to the interests and welfare of the Society, for failure to actively participate in the work of the Society, or for failure to pay dues two years in succession. Terminations other than those associated with a failure to pay dues shall require a two/thirds vote of the Ethics Committee, a two/thirds vote of the Membership Committee, and two/thirds vote of the Council, after the member in question is afforded an opportunity to appear before the Ethics Committee, the Membership Committee and the Council and appeal for continuance of membership. The right of any member to vote and all rights, title and interest, both legal and equitable, of a member in the Society shall cease on termination of his/her membership.

SECTION 14. Annual meeting of the members of the Society shall be held at an hour and place to be fixed by the Council. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the Society not less than 30 days before the meeting. This meeting shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order. At the initial meeting of the members, the officers and Councilors of the Society will be elected and such other business as may properly come before the meeting shall be transacted by the membership. The agenda for the annual meeting shall be determined by the Council.

SECTION 15. Members may not vote by proxy.

SECTION 16. At any meeting of the members, properly called and noticed as required herein the number of persons appearing for said meeting shall constitute the quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the meeting. Affirmative action of the membership on all matters shall consist of a majority of the members voting.



SECTION 1. The elected Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary (Records Councilor), and a Treasurer, all of whom must be active members in good standing (requirement defined as having been a member of the Society for at least one year and having attended at least one IBNS meeting) at the time of their nomination, election and during the terms of their offices. These officers shall act as an executive committee to conduct business and to help carry out the mission of the Society. Officers (other than the President or Past President) shall be elected by the general membership via mail ballot sent to the membership no later than 6 weeks prior to the annual meeting. The maximum number of votes obtained by candidates nominated for office shall constitute election to said office. Newly elected officers shall be announced at the annual business meeting, and shall take office at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Society.

SECTION 2. All officers shall serve without compensation. Expenses may be reimbursed on a case-by-case basis.

SECTION 3. The President will serve for a two year term. Subject to the directions of the Council, he/she shall have and exercise direct charge of and general supervision over the Society and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Council. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Council.

SECTION 4. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President upon completion by the President of his/her term in office or upon any earlier vacancy in the office of the President. At the request of the President, the President-Elect may from time to time perform any or all duties of the President.

SECTION 5. The Past President will serve for a one year term beginning at the end of his/her term as President of the Society. The Past President shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and of the Council of the Society, and shall perform other duties as requested by the President and affirmed by Council.

SECTION 6. The Secretary (Records Councilor) and Treasurer will serve for approximately three years except for the first election where the treasurer will serve for a one year period in order to establish staggered terms for these two offices. The Secretary (Records Councilor) shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council and of the membership of the Society, shall see that all notices are duly given according to the provisions of law and these Bylaws, shall keep the membership records of the Society, and shall be custodian of all contracts assignments and other legal documents and records. The Treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing the finances of the Central Office, shall render to the President and to the Council, whenever requested, an account of the financial condition of the Society, and shall in any event report to the Council and membership.



SECTION 1. Committees may be designated by the Council, by resolution, to function on behalf of the Council in a manner provided in the aforementioned resolution or resolutions or as prescribed in these Bylaws. Committees constituted by any other means shall not be recognized as representing the Society.

SECTION 2. Committee members shall be appointed for a three-year term. The President-Elect shall appoint a co-chair for each committee. The term of chair and co-chair shall be one year each. After serving for one year in co-chair position, the co-chair will become chair. Chairs and co-chairs must be active members in good standing (requirement defined as having been a member of the Society for at least one year and having attended at least one IBNS meeting) at the time of their appointment and during their terms as co-chair and chair. Terms will expire at the annual meeting. Except when committee composition is prescribed by these Bylaws, the President will make appointments to committees with the goal of a broad representation of the membership of the Society on these committees. Members of all committees other than the Local Organizing Committee must be members of the Society, and one can become a member of a committee upon joining the Society.

SECTION 3. Minutes of all committee meetings shall be submitted to the Council for approval.

SECTION 4. The Membership Committee shall review applications for membership in the Society and make recommendations to Council regarding the approval of new members to the Society.

SECTION 5. There shall be a Program Committee that will coordinate with a Local Organizing Committee regarding arrangements for the annual meeting. The program committee will work with the President in determining all aspects of the scientific program of the annual meeting. The Local Organizing Committee can be organized each year once the location of the next meeting has been determined. The Local Organizing Committee will be responsible for on-site arrangements for the meeting, including the timely submission of a budget for the meeting to the Finance and Fund-Raising Committee.

SECTION 6. The Nominations and Awards Committee will be composed of the Past-President, President, President-Elect, along with one or more outside members chosen by the President from among the current Fellows of the Society. This Committee shall: (a) review nominations for Fellow status in the Society and make recommendations to Council regarding these nominations; and (b) review nominees and recommend to Council awardees for honorific awards given on behalf of the Society.

SECTION 7. There shall be several additional committees to support efforts of the Society to meet long term goals and continuous objectives. The Personnel Committee will be responsible for the effective operation of the Central Office. Any recommendations for changes shall be subject to approval of the Council. Additional committees include: Ethics Committee; Animal Use Committee; Education and Training Committee; Public Relations Committee; Finance and Fund-Raising Committee; Nomination Committee; Publications Committee; Task Force on Communications; and Clinical Liaison Task Force. There will also be an Editor's Council that will be comprised of Society members currently serving as editors of professional journals. The duties of these additional committees shall be defined by the Council.



SECTION 1. The Society will support a Central Office. The Central Office is charged with the financial responsibilities for dues billing and deposits, IRS filings, and Federal documents. All financial activities of the Central Office will be supervised by the Treasurer. The general responsibilities of the Central Office will be to facilitate communications between the Council and the membership; to provide the day-to-day operation necessary for an efficient Society.

SECTION 2. There will be an Executive Director, who will be primarily responsible for directing the operations of the Central Office, and an Executive Coordinator, who will coordinate all the activities of the Central Office on a daily basis.



SECTION 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a recommendation of the Council to the membership. The change in Bylaws will become effective upon an affirmative vote of two/thirds of those voting in a mail ballot of the membership.


A. The fee structure will be determined by the Council, will initially be $40.00 per fiscal year for Regular Members and $10.00 per year for Student Members, and may also be waived by the Council under special circumstances. This annual dues must be paid in US dollars and to save costs for foreign members can be paid either at the annual meeting or when paying the registration and abstract fees. Under compelling and extraordinary circumstances, the meeting registration fee for a member may be waived by action of the President on a case-by-case basis.

B. Certain publications from time to time will be considered for sponsorship of the Society and the publication will display prominently a statement or acknowledgement to that effect. The Society can, for example, sponsor a scientific periodical; or the proceedings of a scientific conference, meeting, or symposium; or a collection of articles; or books.

C. The fiscal year of the Society will be coincident with the calendar year (January 1- December 31).

D. The Society may choose to join other professional organizations that would serve to further the aims of the Society. Upon recommendation of Council to the membership, the entire voting membership of the Society will be polled regarding such society affiliations, with the decision being reached by a simple majority of the votes received.